Executive on Campus with Ricardo Monteiro

Posted by The Lisbon MBA on 14 Mar, 2016 2:57 pm

The Lisbon MBA will host an Executive on Campus session with Ricardo Monteiro, Global Chairman at Havas Worlwide.

With an international academic background, Ricardo Monteiro is now responsible for all branches of the Havas Group in more than 75 countries, making him one of the biggest advertisers in the world. Having worked with companies such as Unilever, BBDO and EuroRSCG, his career is extremely valuable and enviable.

Since 1994, Ricardo Monteiro has been an inescapable top figure in every company he has worked, and the theme for this session is something quite familiar: “How to lead an organization towards leadership?” – The session will be held on May 9th at 6:30 PM in Room 224 of Nova School of Business and Economics. Check-in starts at 6 PM.

Recently, Ricardo Monteiro announced that, in 2017, he would abandon all functions in Havas Worldwide, to return to Portugal and open the Advertiser House: “I will dedicate myself to do beautiful things in my country, even if I don’t get a salary. I want to create a house to support every professional at the the end of their life, the Advertiser house, as there is the Artist’s house.” (in Expresso)


We welcome Ricardo Monteiro with the greatest pleasure.